Archangel Metatron, a powerful angel who teaches us how to use our spiritual power for good while he records our choices in the universe's great archive (known either as God's book of life or the Akashic record). Some believers say that Metatron is one of only two angels (the other is archangel Sandalphon) who was first a human being before ascending to heaven and becoming an angel. Metatron is a fiery, energetic angel who works tirelessly to help Earth's inhabitants. He acts as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth, since he's had extensive experience as both a human and an angel. As such, he helps us understand Heaven's perspective, and to learn how to work with the angelic realm. This is a very powerful high frequency formulation using Frankincense, Sandalwood, and many healing essential oils infused with Lemurian Crystals while using the sound frequency of all 6 sacred solfeggio notes. 1 oz.
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Pretty Angel Botanicals Apothecary and Wellness Studio
"The Art and Science of Vibrational Healing"
Earth is where natures healing dwells.... in the soil, seed, root, flower, and leaf
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